Friday, July 8, 2011

The Little Runner Who Could (finally get herself motivated to leave the house)

Today is rainy.  I mean all day, tropical-level rainy.  I thought about running this morning, took at look at the weather radar, and thought again (weirdly, I woke up during one of the few points when it was not raining today).  My next plan was to hit the treadmill, but it was super-downpour rainy.  So I decided to have breakfast instead.

This decision complicated the situation since I'm adding something new to my workout plan, which is lots and lots of yoga.  I got an unlimited membership to a local studio for the next six months.  Because I have more time in the summer, I am going to try to take advantage as much as I can over the next few weeks.  My first class is today.  What does this have to do with running?  It means that I will have to be more careful about scheduling.  I thought about running tonight, but I am doing a class from 4:30 - around 6pm, and this seemed hazardous to leave it until after a yoga class.

Finally, at some point this afternoon, the rain seemed less tropical and more normal, so I finally ventured out from my house and went to the gym (I realize that this is a luxury that not all of us have.  I won't have it always either).  Did three miles on the treadmill, with one walk break.  The treadmill is much more reasonable when it is not in the 90s outside.  I barely overheated, except near the middle (hence the walk break).  I also cheated a bit, since I went over the 30-minute limit at my gym for cardio equipment, but there were two empty treadmills so I really didn't feel too guilty about that.

The gym has a new, wacky treadmill called a Woodway Curve.  There is no motor, so it goes at your speed, which is a bit weird if you are accustomed to normal treadmills.  I tried this for about 0.2 miles or so, but I just couldn't get a feel for it.  I like the principle and maybe with some more practice, it will make more sense to me.  For today, I stuck to the traditional treadmill for the workout.

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