Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Running in the English Garden

The English Garden in Munich is one of the city's largest parks, stretching from the downtown to basically the outskirts if you keep going long enough.  Also, it is a place where absolutely everyone in Munich seems to go to run.  When I went there for the first time, I saw countless runners.  So I decided that I, too, would find a way to go run in the English Garden.

The problem was, where I was living before was a considerable distance away.  It would have been a 30-minute subway ride just to get to the Garden.  This trip, though, it was a much more reasonable 2-stop subway ride, so I decided that my time had come.  I started at the Hofgarten, which was the garden for the royal palace, and is attached via a tunnel to the English Garden.  There is a hill that one must descend to get from the Hofgarten to the English Garden and it is not exactly what you want to see at around 3.80 of your 4-mile run, but I survived it...barely.

The garden itself is pretty nice to run in, even if there is quite a bit of traffic with people walking, running, and biking all over the place:

I ran past this today.  Photos are from an earlier trip.

I do have to say that it was nice running in such a huge park.  For my 4-mile run, I basically ran two miles out and back.  Didn't need to change paths, double back, or anything.  It is that big.

Nice and peaceful....this isn't really what the whole thing is like, though.
For some reason, though, I was not really feeling today's run.  I think that it was a tad bit hot.  Not super hot or anything.  Just a tad.  But it was enough that it wasn't quite as much fun as it could have been.  Also, that final hill...that thing is a killer.  No, I don't have a picture.  You just have to trust me that it was the most awful hill ever (okay, it really wasn't, and it wasn't even so bad, it was just not my favorite thing to run at 3.8 miles!).

Tomorrow, the plan is to get up bright and early to run before getting my flight back.  I think the fact that Florida is currently experiencing a heat wave with no relief in sight might just motivate me to do it.  Florida simply should not experience heat waves in the summer.  That is unfair.

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