Monday, January 10, 2011

Who knew I would go running today?

There were so many factors that were against me to go running today:

1) There were storms.  Big storms.  And do you know what else they brought?  Humidity.
2) I had a long day at the office.  Like, about twice as long as I anticipated.
3) I slept terribly.
4) I can still feel the dregs of the flu.

And yet, somehow I went anyway.  The new running plan started today, this time for a 5k race.  It's nice, because you don't have to start thinking of your 5M runs as 'the short ones.'  For most of the day, I was pretty much convinced that I would do some form of cross-training instead of the designated run for the day.  Then for some weird reason, as I was driving home, I suddenly wanted to run.  Now.  And so I did -- well, okay, once I got out of the car of course and changed.

Mind you, today's actual run was not exactly the toughest I have ever done.  It was two 10-minute intervals that were supposed to be at my half-marathon pace, with a 2:30 jog break in between.  I do have to say that I think I went faster than my half-marathon pace (I left the new and awesome toy at home...long story short, I am dogsitting again and figured I wouldn't need it, what with the flu recovery and all) and parts of this run were not great.  For instance, I was stiff because I decided to paint my bedroom on Saturday and for some reason this tightened some of my hamstring muscles.  I did a warm-up to start (no idea how long by time or distance), then plunged into my intervals.  Voila, run complete.

Some days I remind myself that it's easy to find a myriad of reasons not to run and that you really just need to find your one reason to go.  I'm glad that today worked out in the end, even if it was much to my surprise.

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