Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting caught up

Last week I was on semi-vacation, touring around various parts of Florida to see spring training games.  I did get to run, but maybe not as much as would be ideal in a perfect situation.  Here is the summary:

1) Monday I did the Long Run of last week's FTL.  Sunday, I was feeling far too tired to actually get up and run, so I postponed it (not to mention that it was the switch to EST).  I did manage to eke out a 45-minute run, which isn't too bad, all things considered.  Actually, I can't really remember the last time I did a 45-minute run, so I'm seeing this as a victory.  It was 'somewhat chilly' when I started: 50F!  Warmed up plenty while I was out, though.

2) Then I didn't do much.

3) Yesterday, I made a plan.  You remember how I mentioned that I want to start doing push-ups?  I found a website that trains you to get from total suckitude at push-ups to 100 in 6 weeks.  You're supposed to do this program three days a week.  I'm also hoping to run three days a week.  So the new plan is that if I don't run, I have to do push-ups.  You might think that this is an obvious answer, since push-ups are easier than running.  However, you are underestimating just how bad I am at push-ups.  The answer is: really super mega-bad.  So I'm hoping that this serves as a good motivator.

4) Today, I toyed around with a variety of things that I could do.  I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately (probably just a cold), so I took the opportunity to sleep in this morning.  Then I decided that later I would maybe hit the treadmill at the gym and do the 'F' portion of this week's FTL.  This decision resulted in 'meh,' though since I needed to be back home to do stuff...okay, I could have done it, but I wasn't feeling it one bit. 

Instead, I did some aqua jogging, using it as my 'T' part.  I did 5 minutes of intense water-running, followed by a two-minute break, repeating this pattern four times (except for the part where I did longer than 5 minutes because the watch did not reset automatically).  Also, I drew an important conclusion: aqua jogging is not as good as running, but that doesn't mean it is cheating.  It's just different.  Not bad.  Different.  Still better than nothing.

Another thing that I realized: we only have five weeks left in this semester.  Then I can develop more of a routine since I won't feel as crunched for time.

Tomorrow I am running a 5k in my neighborhood (the Strawberry Classic), so that should be good.  Not good as in I expect to rock it or anything.  Good in the sense that I don't have to get up super-early or drive super-far.  And it is still running!  I plan to do another 'L' on Sunday, this time working up to 50 minutes.  So yeah, all in all, this past week was not a disaster.

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