Monday, February 28, 2011

We're hitting the pool early this year

Ah, late February.  The hum of air conditioners, the feel of 97% humidity in the morning, the rising dew points, the temperatures in the 80s....

Wait, this should really not be February.  Come on, Florida.

But it was today's actuality.  So I decided to get my revenge by breaking out the aqua jogger.

If you're wondering what an aqua jogger is, it is basically a buoyant belt that allows you to 'run' in the water.  Now, I am not claiming that this is the same as a land workout, although it does pose different challenges (for instance, water weighs more than air, as you undoubtedly know, so you are pushing more weight upward with your quads).  It is much nicer as a workout than running with rampant humidity, at least as far as I'm concerned.  So today, rather than sweating like a maniac, I opted for the aqua jogging instead.

If you're wondering whether you wind up looking like some old lady at Aquafit class when you use an aqua jogger, the answer is absolutely you do.  And there is no way to get around it, really.

I did half an hour with some 3-6 minute sprints in there.  Wasn't awful.  Probably wasn't the hardest workout I've ever completed.  But it was significantly better than nothing.

Saturday I did get to the gym (yay!).  Did 17 minutes on the treadmill, then just wasn't feeling it any more.  Is there such a thing as runner burnout?  I did do some weights, though, for the first time in months, and that felt really good.

PS - That was kind of a facetious question, but I hadn't done much research yet.  Yes, there is running burnout and it is common after a marathon.   One of the tips: "You don't have to run your heart out in every race you enter. Sometimes it's fun to run at an easier pace than your race pace and just enjoy the race without putting any pressure on yourself."  This would be easier to do if I didn't walk in the middle of a freaking 5k.  But let's hope that this weekend's race goes better (, it's still going to be hot....).

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