Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Florida wins another battle. Boo.

This morning, I got up, looked at the weather, saw that the dew point matched the temperature, realized that this indicated it was 100% humidity, and thought, 'Meh, I'll go tonight.'

Tonight, I noticed that the conditions were oppressive, even though the temperature was not so hot today because there were storms circling.  And after about a mile, I noticed that I had to walk.  A 5-mile run turned into a 3-mile one when my heart rate got pretty high (I don't usually track this, but I couldn't help but notice that my heart was racing faster than normal).

The answer was clear once I got home and looked at the weather: starting right around the time that I began my run, the dew point was the same as the temperature, meaning that the humidity was 100%.

Today's lesson is that you cannot win.  You just can't.

I also decided to do a quick comparison between today and a year ago today via Weather Underground (seriously, I adore this site) and could not help but observe that the dew point was more in the lower 70s for the majority of the day.  Today, it was in the high 70s.

Tomorrow is 'Get Reacquainted with the Treadmill' day.

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