Sunday, October 16, 2011

It all works out in the end

A friend of mine in Tampa has gone through some pretty tough situations over the past year.  During the summer, her house caught on fire.  No one was hurt (including her pets), but it was an understandably traumatic experience.  More recently, she was in a car accident and her vehicle was totaled.  Again, no one was hurt, but she had finished paying off the car only a month before....seriously.  This seriously happened.  However, she somehow gets through these things with a smile on her face and patience.   I certainly do not think that I would be capable of doing the same.

My friend got a new car last week and it is very spiffy.  It is a Kia Soul and has all kinds of great features (including speakers that light up!), plus it is a brand-new car.  She was able to manage this in the aftermath of the accident, meaning that she came out ahead.  When we were talking about this, we also noted that while the fire had been very traumatic, there were good elements from that too, such as getting a new central A/C put in her house (she did have A/C before, but the central system had broken and she had been using window units).  What I took from this was that even though she had encountered difficult and challenging situations, there truly was a silver lining on these potentially dark clouds.

I was reminded of this observation this morning when I had to stop my long run because I did not feel well at all--which, okay, is not on the level of having my house catch on fire or being in a car accident, but is frustrating all the same.  After chiding myself over and over, then getting angry at myself for not training better, I decided to check the upcoming weather.  My plan is to redo this run on Thursday (it's 12 miles) because there is supposed to be a major storm moving through on Tuesday, and I already ran in one monsoon this month.  And you know what?  The weather looks fantastic.  Highs in the 70s (!) and lows in the 50s (!!!).  I could not ask for better weather around these parts at this time of year.  Sure, I would still prefer that I had finished today.  But sometimes things don't go the way that you hope.  What is important, is that it does work out in the end.

(I think the issue this morning was that I was out of healthy Gatorade and decided to try apple cider instead.  This is not something that I will try again.  However, I'm still feeling lousy, so maybe there is something else at work here).

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