Saturday, January 29, 2011

Crosstraining: Super Slimdown, in which we do sit-ups that are just plain evil

Somehow, I managed to get motivated to go running Wednesday when I felt icky, but have been a bit of a slacker ever since.  Thursday morning I decided to take off since I had not been feeling well Wednesday.  Friday just didn't really wind up happening.  I really should have gone this morning, but decided to sleep in instead.  Then I planned to go later today, and that didn't really pan out either.  We did fix my bannister though (long story that involves having to chop off a bannister).

Rather than completely lose a day, I decided to do an exercise video.  I have an exercise video at home.  One.  Exactly one.  And I like it.  It's The Firm's Ultimate Fat Burning Workout and it's led by this super-perky girl named Alison (who also has a super Carolina accent).  Alison, I think, was a cheerleader, but she was one of those nice cheerleaders who was generally supportive and didn't hang out with the mean girls.  Or at least she tried to call them out when they were being mean.  This is my elaborate story that I've developed while doing this video, which likely gives you the hint that I have done this video rather often:

Is Alison not adorable?

The workout is pretty good, but today, I thought that I would seek change. 

So I went to Netflix and found Super Slimdown as an instant video.  The reviewers seemed to indicate that this one was pretty good.  And it was pretty good.  As in, it was totally brutal and I may very well be feeling my abs for a week.  But that is good.  It's supposedly a combination of yoga and pilates; having never done pilates, I can't really speak to that.  Certainly I would not really describe it as 'yoga.'  I would heartily endorse it as a brutal abs workout since you are supposed to keep your abs tight through the whole thing.  You'll particularly love the sit-ups where you pull yourself up off the floor.

I still feel like it would have been better to just go running today.  But at least I did something.  A strong core is also an important feature for runners, so it's not like this workout was a waste.  Tomorrow morning, I have vowed to get up at a reasonable time and go.  Plus I will do the hills that were supposed to be done this week and then I shall consider myself redeemed for sloth.

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