Thursday, January 20, 2011

All things considered, it wasn't so bad

Today's run was a 50-minute jaunt at a reasonable pace, followed by some hill, 'hill' training.  I used the same 'hill' that I ran for my marathon training, which is not really a hill per se.  Unless you are in Florida.  In which case it meets the criterion.

Actually, there is a hill buried in the golf course neighborhood which might be even better, forgot about it until later today.  However, for the purpose for getting a bit of hill training in, I think that today's was just fine.  I did six reps up the hill, then walked back down.  Not particularly challenging, but enough to definitely get me tired.

The 50-minute run was okay except that it was really freaking humid out.  I felt more sluggish all day that I would have hoped, but I am going to chalk that up to humidity instead of freaking out about it like I usually do.  Today was rather out of control, though: like in the 90% range.  At least there was a breeze and it was decently cool.  Actually, it was less awful than I thought (but less awful does not mean perfect).

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