Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back to the grind (in this business, the treadmill)

Things that didn't happen:

1) I didn't fall off the face of the earth, despite the fact that my blog might have led you to believe that.
2) I didn't suffer from some catastrophic injury or other impediment that kept me from running (okay, there was a bout of tonsillitis in there).
3) I didn't quit running.  Okay, I did for a bit.

After the Philadelphia Marathon, I felt kind of lost, runner-wise, and wasn't sure what I wanted to do next.  I discovered that Concept 2 has rowing challenges that you can do on the rowing machine and decided that this would be a fun change of pace.  So I completed the 100k challenge for the holidays, meaning that I rowed 100k between Thanksgiving and Christmas break (actually a bit earlier, since I left the rowing machine on December 20).  My most proud achievement was setting a 5k personal record that also put me in the top 50th percentile of my age group.  So awesome to not suck at a sport!  So different than running!  Also, I got a certificate for finishing the challenge.

Speaking of running, I am back at it.  It took me a while but then I figured out what I wanted to do: trail racing.  And some random races that I had always wanted to do, but hadn't had the opportunity.  For instance, I am running the Ringling Bridge Run in Sarasota next weekend, then the Run with the Nuns in St. Pete the weekend after.  Mostly for the latter, I just want the t-shirt.  Other races on the calendar include Gasparilla (5k), then I am getting into the real trail runs.

I chose two: the Long Play (I am running the half-marathon) and the Croom Fools Run (16 miles).  I am not crazy enough to try the ultras for these events.  The trails, though, should be fun and something a little different to keep me motivated.  Depending on how I am feeling about life, I may also add the River'n'Rapids again.  It's the week after the Croom Fools Run, and I don't want to

Also, I have a new dream in life, which is to do the Keys 100 Relay.  You start in Key Largo, FL and you end in Key West, FL.  It's in May and the weather will be torture, but you can do it as a team and you have a support van.  I love everything about this idea (okay, I don't love the weather part).  Unfortunately, I am already booked for that weekend this year, but I am so totally doing it next year.  That is on.  If you want to be in my relay team, let me know.  I've already talked my stepmother into this craziness.

Apart from that, looking to get back to Crossfit soon (I had a forced hiatus because I was out of town, then the tonsillitis) and I will be taking scuba lessons starting Monday.  So keeping busy, even if not keeping at the blog.  Hopefully that we go better!

By the way, I was reminded tonight with my first treadmill run that gosh darn it, it is hot when you are not acclimatized.  You would think that I would know this by now.

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