It would appear that things are getting better all around. Today was 10 miles. I had these grandiose plans to get up bright and early to run outside, but that didn't happen.
As an aside, I am currently taking care of a wonderful foster dog from the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. So I need to be up bright and early regardless. The problem is turning that into actually getting out and running after taking care of the dog, which didn't happen today.
After putting off the treadmill pretty much all day, I finally got around to it. And you know what? It wasn't so bad. In fact, it was remarkably not bad at all--this is not to say that it was easy, I still walked duirng parts of it and had the speed super low (and was super sweaty). I can think of a few reasons why today was better though:
1) I have been running consistently and competently lately. Nope. That's not it.
2) I have finally, finally, finally adapted to the heat (probably).
3) I'm finally over the heat exhaustion from a few weeks ago (also probably a bit).
4) The CrossFit is really paying off (maybe).
I do have to say that I'm really glad the treadmill was not hell. It will make it much easier the next time I need to use it.
I tried to run on the treadmill on Thursday, but I was worried that the foster dog was going to leap on it. He is currently recovering from surgery, so I don't want him near the moving parts of machinery. Today, I put together a nifty fort of furniture around the treadmill so that he couldn't get to it. Instead, he barked at it during my first interval, then settled down and slept. Good solution.
Do you know what else is fun? This was the long run for this week, meaning that I get two whole guilt-free days off. Yay!
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