Wow, I didn't even realize how negligent I've been with this blog recently. It isn't because I haven't been running. I've been running. Kind of. Not as much as I might like, but still keeping a semi-regular schedule.
So what has begun? Summer. *shudder* Yes, in April. How can I tell? The temperature today was 90F. Here in Tampa, in the summer, the temperature gets to 90F pretty much every day in the summer. If it gets over 90, we consider it to be super hot (this is just the actual temperature. The Real Feel temperatures are more in the 100-120 range). Now the humidity today was not summer-level. The heating was not as evil as in the summer. But it was still pretty warm.
I really wish that my brain had conveniently forgotten that temperatures are taken in the shade and therefore it was closer to 100F in the sun. Boo brain. I remembered this a few steps into my run.
More and more, I am regretting my decision to sign up for a run in April (much less another run in April, then one in May). But the upcoming one is the one that I am currently regretting the most. It's the River N Rapids 10k, a trail run, which makes it my first trail run. I have no idea what trail runs are like. It's in a state park in an area that should really be swamp. Whoo! Lastly, it starts at 9am. Why I thought that I would want to run something starting at 9am in April is beyond me. Possibly this occurred back when I was sick and running a fever.
As I was feeling very hot today on my run, I had a brief moment where I realized that I did not need to do this run simply because I signed up for it. Bold. Crazy thoughts here. But I don't want to quit on it. So I will do it but will plan for walk/running. If it isn't so bad, I can just run. If it is, then I have a strategy. This makes me feel better about the event. Now I can worry about being eaten by an alligator.
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