Thursday, November 17, 2011

Diatribe: quote-on-quote performance tees

I've noticed recently that more and more races are giving away what they term as 'performance tees,' the kinds of t-shirts that look super fancy, as opposed to the cotton ones that look like generic t-shirts.  Well and good.  I got a snazzy one from the Northdale 5k Pumpkin Run and decided to wear it today at the gym for what was supposed to be a teeny tiny run (okay, not teeny tiny, but not massive).  I looked snazzy.  But I couldn't run because this 'performance t-shirt' did not actually perform, in that it did nothing in aid of removing sweat from my body.  Therefore I overheated after having completed only half of the teeny tiny run.  So a tee-ti amount.


As I was driving home, I was trying to figure out why I had failed to complete what was an easier work-out than the one I completed last night on the exact same treadmill at the exact same gym.  Then, I noticed that my t-shirt was in no way sweaty at all, yet I still was.  That is not a performance t-shirt, people.  That is a fancy-looking shirt that performs as well as--if not poorer than--a cotton shirt.  So could you please just give me a cotton shirt instead so that I won't try to use it while actually running?

/rant over.

Incidentally, it got hot and stormy again.  I could rant about that, but that's enough ranting for one post.

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