Monday, March 7, 2011

The Better 5k

I feel that one way you can tell I've been busy as of late is that it took me two days to sit down and actually write about the 5k I ran on Saturday.  *sigh*  I think that the end is in sight, though.  Please let the end be in sight.

I ran the Bartow Festival of the Arts 5k on Saturday morning, which was part of the Bloomin' Arts Festival.  Bartow is located to the east of me and is the seat for Polk County.  It was founded a while ago, so it doesn't look all suburban and cookie-cutter, like most of Florida.  I parked near here, for instance:

Awesomely pretty
And this wasn't just where you parked.  The whole run had pretty good scenery throughout, which was great.  Also, the temperature was far more amenable to running than the 5k two weeks prior.  So much so that I didn't walk.

I have decided to take the advice of the article on running burnout that I read and not feel that every race is a major milestone.  So this time around, I decided to just enjoy it rather than get stressed out about performance.  This worked because it was a nice day with great views.  Plus I actually got out of bed and did it, which at this point feels like an accomplishment.

This sign was also near where I parked:

So what happens if you are not riding a governmental golf cart?

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